San Juan to Makati


Posted in advertising,internet,marketing,web development by yangiwei on May 27, 2010
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The slogan is a turn-off to me.

My colleague Osang Alipon referred me to Goojoob, a competitor of eyp.  At least that’s what Goojoob is meant to be.

Goojoob logo from their site.

My first reaction was, why this name?

Osang said that each ad placement is P 15,000 (a year?), and includes the client’s logo and a link to client’s website.  This sounds low compared to eyp‘s approximately  P 100,000 annual placement fee.  But since no one’s using Goojoob, then any fee is expensive.

I told Osang that Goojoob can outdo eyp by having a better search engine.  For example, when I tried to look for Space the boutique/clothing store, I ended up with different categories plus the last one, “Display only business names containing space.”

When I clicked on “Display…containing space,” I got a list of names with Space in them, including the Space (Local Apparel Venture Stores, Incorporated) office and branches.  Better if Space was on top of the list, not three page downs away in my Netbook.  The Space branch that I was interested in, Robinson’s Galleria, was six page downs away.

When I tried to look for Space in Goojoob, I came up with nothing relevant.  I tried to look for categories like boutiques or clothes, but only saw “Clothes-Used.”

The situation was about the same when I tried to search for “Music Museum” in GoojoobThe eyp search was successful.

Goojoob needs to fix its search function.  It has greater possibilities than eyp, since eyp is PLDT-bound.  Goojoob can include email addresses, cellphone and Globelines numbers of all its listings.  Then it can consider itself real competition.

A site like this can also list all the products of the company.  For example, instead of just “electronics,” it can list more specific categories like “electronics ballasts,” “emergency lights,” etc.